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tv   Inside Story 2019 Ep 91  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2019 8:32pm-9:00pm +03

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it is very important that the new ukrainian authorities both the president and the newly elected parliament which is and his betas to take place by the end of this year to remain on the europe plan to integration part economically speaking this means ukraine a tiering to the i.m.f. reform road map. regardless the populist rhetorical regardless to pledges of huffing household gas price tariffs this is simply no way that ukraine could deal with its challenges economic challenges by turning its back on that reform passed it's simply not feasible at this stage so from the european perspective to ensure a political stability and economic stability it is important effectively to keep the status quo at worst but at best they're hoping for
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a candidate who will also deal with the corruption issues indeed and that's certainly something i want to look into a little later in this program including the economy but let's talk about the candidates specifically mr her on we have two veteran candidates a comedian who has no defined policies no experience and yet is very popular what kind of a message does that send and why is that. yes first of all i am now in a very difficult situation because i think i need to react to what the russian call except who is representing grass today which is kremlin propaganda russia is aggressed russia is waging war against ukraine russia annexed crimea russia is not electoral democracy which is too cheap to teach us in the democratic rules of the games and how to conduct elections so first of all i would like to stress that we. we have free elections and there are different candidates including brought us from
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candidates but as a broader was brushing again today it is because of russian aggression because russia violated the non bloc status of ukraine because a national or waylaid of the international treaties aunt belle little bit is that's why this support towards any indication to russia collapsed daughterly collapse and that's why is it is a very deep jebel little move in say bring on society durance you wouldn't and if we're talking about the what is it don't bust so it's very important to understand that unfortunately russia doesn't stick to point number one. ceasefire ukrainian civilians sell their sell by russian bear russian soldiers by russian regular forces by russian weapons and unfortunately it's very difficult to move towards a peace in the don't bust when the russia isn't if but awful of this conflict
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not an intermediate but an active if we're talking about now if we're talking about city main candidates as a cassette but i sent as a main sings the main topic is to prisons and he's a leader who lends a country towards economic difficulties and tolerance of war and ways able to move forward. in this difficult situation for the messiah zinni recit it is a position etc so he sees criticize it but essential for not doing scenes in so she cannot experience in the forms fear sometimes this book you is criticism sometimes is justified but this opposition nice is very for hill is very unnatural and actually comfortable but present as a part of a great intellect and they sees a green is moving but not as
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a down position wanted to see after the revolution of two thousand and forty and that's why is it would like to invite you faces and they pointed out to mr zelinsky who to some east you face and as you rightly mention he's really a new face was daughter had no experience in political life so all deaths as a basic background was a city main candidates. mr bobbitt i must let you respond but before that i want to say you up by asking you is there a single candidate there that that's we that you see will be able to engage with russia effectively but i won't tell you what i think about alexey and he's opinions because i think this is very important during the debate to presume that to presume the integrity of your opponent to argue with her arguments not with that he's place
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of war going i will go straight to your question i would say that until recently it looks like the west was totally supportive of will you know of an. imposed a martial law or in the hall for ukraine's to regions just. five months before the election and that this martial law continued for several weeks the west didn't protest so. that idea that the idea that mr selenski could win this vote it surface just a few weeks ago suddenly the tone of western publications of biology lansky became very positive some business outsiders who are a member of all of the government in the early years of poroshenko all of these foreign specialists from the. from m i can see and company you know mr dunne you took the form of violence minister mr abramovich arose and he's doing in the form
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of economics meanest that southerly they joint mr zillions just team and the mr selenski it has a go at some chances we would have seen their united states give actually given a blessing to his candidacy a when zelinsky mad to way that u.s. negotiator or now on civil war in ukraine when he met. promised to volcker you know kotoko the u.s. . bushido on ukraine and when he mad they ukrainian ambassador sorry the american ambassador in ukraine marriage of and of egypt meant that the united states kind of indorsed he's possible victory you know mr selenski it's possible victory for russia maybe it will be easier to talk to mr zielinski because mr selenski is not a shame to speak russian in public please note that in your report that your shoulder tried before our discussion they ukrainian citizens who are on syrian your
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reporter's question you know when they didn't speak english they spoke russian you know russian is very widespread in ukraine so far shingles language polish it was a disaster here and tegan iced a lot of people in ukraine and that was reflected in an article for example by political magazine an american public asian which criticized mr poroshenko for this kind of language policy so for russia he would be just a new face that we could talk to also probably yuri boyd the fourth cager date who is behind this war in their opinion polls since ukraine is not a free country i don't think we should believe all that course he suddenly may or may become. you know the possibly even the second during the first round of the race boy corps unfortunately participated he basically betrayed their former president john a college in two thousand and fourteen but boy core it's possible to talk to him he
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visited russia just recently had. negotiations with the russian prime minister dmitry medvedev form their gas issues but immediately a criminal case was opened to against the boy in ukraine when he returned from more score so for any kind of that whoever wins this election it will be very difficult to talk to more school not because russia is not ready to talk but because in ukraine there will be a tremendous pressure. a show from the nationalists and from their government agency yes they may accuse president all of our being a traitor been a stooge of more score than skokie let me keep bring in this give or again as the how important it is is it for ukraine's survival or the economy itself which has been languishing to have closer relations with russia to move in at least have workable relations with russia. if we were having this discussion back in two
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thousand and fourteen i would have said that it is really important to ensure that the ukraine receives or negotiated cheaper russian gas and maintains its access to the russian market however since the ukrainian crisis ukraine has done incredible steps actually to balance its economy and also improve the energy efficiency just to give you an example for many years it's state run energy company that's the garcia cry and it was a loss making company was actually a burden on ukraine public finances ukraine is were paying only one fifth of gas households gas prices was heavily subsidized early unsustainable measures that no government wanted to address because of these were extremely unpopular steps equal it a currency was pegged unrealistically strong against the dollar again no
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government revolution or not they didn't want to deal with this issues they didn't want to to let the currency float now coming back to your question directly now. by going through the painful reforms that really had an impact on ukrainian our ordinary craniums. in long term gains are such that ukraine has managed to lessen its dependence on russian energy imports it has also managed to diversify its export market for example if in the past a few years ago russia was accounting for twenty five percent of the export destination now it's only nine percent european union is by far more important for ukraine and exporters than russia of course. having access to a large market next door is important but it's not where the rush away where
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ukraine's economic problems can be solved creating economic problems can be sold domestically and if the anti corruption and until it arc it campaign is in earnest done and the reorientation continues i just want to highlight one aspect of this reforms or is in politics a king sometimes make quick u. turns in the economic world these adjustment can be painful and and longer lasting and sometimes a positive impact can come not in five years but perhaps in ten years and this is why we see that perhaps some politicians are being punished at ballot boxes for the unpopular reforms that they have to do they have no other choice ok alex aaron so given all of that what we've heard how important is the russia factor in these elections and how important is the crimea factor in these elections or are people
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just going for more on issues that hit them at home the economy the price of fuel corruption. no definitely people again as i have said the war. and peace and what was russia is one that was a mean dog since it can be. as i have already explained i have provided they can give you a lot of force which sure that attitudes towards harasser order which are to do souls and. those is normal. is that. there is a believes that russia is aggressive and russia is aggressors after next season premier and are is an intervention. and there is no talk about civil war that's what kremlin propaganda talking about sue this loan which does not accept. not only by ukrainians but also by by international community you know peter wells
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under sanchez finally i would like i would like also to stress it's very difficult it's very it's fun to hear how represented the world russia which has one hour for. twenty years and who care for five more so what all the centuries in ukraine democracy we are free and this is recognised by his will and elections are you green we're recognized as free and fair it was ours and forgiven and i'm pretty sure it will be recognized as the same this year zero all of the vest sylvestre as a westerner present there was a meeting was main believe the girl. political leaders or was a complete so there's no surprise insert it's not a blessing i would say the best is not supposed to open the ne can have does this
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completely definitely is a verst and same best as they would like to see predictability and some counted it somewhat predictable and some candidates are less predictable all right we're going to have to leave it there it's been good to speak to all of you add great to get your thoughts whatever the outcome interesting times ahead for you crane and i'd like to thank all of our guests alexia dimitri bobbitt and gov or again and thank you to you for watching you can see this program again any time by visiting our website that's on our desire dot com and for any further discussion why don't you go to our facebook page you'll find that on facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story and remember you can always join the conversation on twitter our handle for that is as a.j. and five stories from these if the pilot and the whole team here it's been good to have you here good bye for now.
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april on al-jazeera nato leaders will gather to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the alliance in washington d.c. madam husain engages in rigorous debates cutting through the headlines on up front twenty five years on from the genocide that killed nearly a million people rwanda has rebuilt but how far of its people have been reconciled the emmy award winning show phone lines is back with more investigative journalism and in-depth stories israel is to hold an early election on the ninth of april but with a corruption scandal looming will benjamin netanyahu extend his ten years as prime
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minister april on al-jazeera. amnesty international an organization focused on human rights around the world now amnesty itself is facing allegations of abuse and mistreatment by its own staff has honesty fall into the lowest point in its history. misty's secretary general. talks to al-jazeera. hello again adrian finnegan here in doha with the top stories on al-jazeera turkey's ruling party says that it will appeal local election results in the capital ankara to claim that claiming that there were voting irregularities opposition supporters were celebrating the result of sunday which marks the first time the president wants our party has lost
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a mayoral race that was looking like another major upset the election board has announced that the act party is trailing in the country's largest city an economic hub istanbul. turkey be happy now let the stumble be happy and get back to normal we had seven elections in five years let's get back to work now and serve the people. just as we start today we will run the city in a transparent fashion at every moment i'm doing this happily and i know that every part of the city belongs to sixteen million people from out. in istanbul. there is you've mentioned there will be several consist ations made two different voting results that have been preliminary announced notably those in istanbul and ankara the most significant of the votes but having said that there there is a lot to be taken from the tone and the messaging that came out from president's
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right up to the fact that he delivered his balcony speech from the party headquarters in ankara in a much more somber tone than he would usually when it's a lot more jubilant and victorious is an indication that he has accepted that there are certain results that have not gone the way he would have wished the his reference to the fact that it is the will of the people that has been victorious again a sign or an attempt to see the kind of silver lining around the clouds there that they have lost certain positions the significance here is more symbolic than it is in terms of governance and the fact that this is a presidential system the country and he is the president the council's themselves although they have clout in terms of how local development is done on the ground they are still very much in the control of the party across the country but the
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mayor ality the mayor positions in those cities losing them to the opposition show that there is a certain dissatisfaction amongst the large parts of the population in those cities that there's been a reshuffle of the capitals in algeria it's an attempt by the government to satisfy protesters who are demanding political change in the country local media is reporting that eighty two year old president of the most expensive is preparing to quit. a woman accused of murdering the half brother of north korea's leader will be freed from elise in prison next month she was sentenced for a lesser charge of causing hurt but will be released soon due to time already served. rescuers are struggling to reach villages in the poll cut off by a severe thunderstorm at least thirty one people were killed about dumbass expected drys as a motion c. workers reach the remote districts of bought a pasta helicopters are expected to join the recovery operation once the weather
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improves. at least twenty six firefighters have died battling a forest fire in the western mountains of china the blaze broke out in mostly at tibet in autonomous county in china's sichuan province it began on saturday nearly seven hundred firefighters were sent blaze the next day thirty of them went missing off the flames. after a sudden shift in the wind the bodies have been recovered but four of the vices still missing. early results from ukraine show that a comedian has won the first round of the presidential election a lot of the selenski says that it's a major step towards victory but his numbers a fall short of an absolute majority he'll face current president petro poroshenko in a runoff those on april twenty first these ilands prime minister is making her first official visit to china where she's expected to tackle some sensitive issues to send a government rejected a bit by chinese company a way to install new zealand's five g.
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telecoms network there's the head lights that he has continuously off to jerusalem a rock and a hard place. this is people who are believers who are muslims but also. as if the put on c.s. or humanity. the jewish person jerusalem runs true not just al psyche al part of our soul but it is in the veins in the blood of every single jew no matter where they are in the womb this is up at thirty look for the first century it is inhumane. the same god that creates the will
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decide to give this land to his people the jewish people which in fact he did. people are more important than that. this is something that the zionist movement could gunderson. some voices inside as the think let us improve the conditions in the cage without understanding that we put a thing as a fuse to live in the cage to begin with. i can not leave in a c.t. that discriminate people even in some good test way.
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well ok what in the world the has to go for or for short for peace or the visit of the visual to cake beautiful sort of and it but it was. going to go to the old and. who just was sore i mean up on themselves and and all but i'm sort of. a local to do with a lot i deal moved a little at a cassette deck as other cars will absorb the ships. but it does because dick is that there is the moon that you know there are ten items famous in that region with . the little mix tubes and live lives that it. will fed into and the how to hold it absorb that but that of the admin. playoffs was
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a day. thirteen and a monumental. intel cable to pick up my head of the medical to. local town on a story on a lottery that killer of was. only going to sell for what that. way again or less accounts on this end. other than have said monday are sort of the show so full of. guns in the process that it will take.
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that awful. lot of them have been in. a lot of they had what. the hell with the tools with a lot of them and. they bought the money than without it going to the u.n. worker thought to them and so. on account of the work other filter. now some of the seed of been on just a second it would spend on food or money or come see in. the form of it commented it is so not a cause i'm not a homeowner to do it it will matter the whole say i'm feeling a muslim had to get out of the flow nice monotony for the last two fish out of. and a lot of the life i had to live out toys dusty old for the old what are you from on
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a lease on a bus lane on another head in the food i descend feeding the. loss of the chalet in the mushroom for he could be unemotional and if. i may ask you for the spot. theatre show sort of my. way and it's off. and on to us you know and if there's a way. i want to ask you. to go to the how the not the one the building of the human body
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and others of a community that in the home soon after that i mean i was about going to not go ahead and i was in a village in the little hotel called the little you allude to the folly of boy a of a novato post-office and you know who would open a new table of cotton with the wind but the demand it was warm and i ate out of my steam bath and for those. in miami must hold in the lib in the. model till all the of the come to sold only don't look good enough to fit in that's the how to excel you can have me. look on the new year and the job was over and come up me. at the one in lot on a sleeper on the grand national center. or a washington lot of has out of wedlock.


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